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Int 21 Fn 52 U - DOS 2+ Internal - "sysvars" - Get List Of Lists [D]
AH = 52h
Return: ES:BX -> DOS list of lists
Notes: partially supported by OS/2 v1.1 compatibility box (however, most
pointers are FFFFh:FFFFh, LASTDRIVE is FFh, and the NUL header "next"
pointer is FFFFh:FFFFh).
on return, ES points at the DOS data segment (see also INT 2F/AX=1203h)
See Also: INT 2F/AX=1203h
Format of List of Lists:
Offset Size Description
-24 WORD (DOS 3.1+) contents of CX from INT 21/AX=5E01h
-22 WORD (DOS ???+) LRU counter for FCB caching
-20 WORD (DOS ???+) LRU counter for FCB opens
-18 DWORD (DOS ???+) address of OEM function handler (see INT 21/AH=F8h)
FFFFh:FFFFh if not installed or not available
-14 WORD (DOS ???+) offset in DOS CS of code to return from INT 21 call
-12 WORD (DOS 3.1+) sharing retry count (see AX=440Bh)
-10 WORD (DOS 3.1+) sharing retry delay (see AX=440Bh)
-8 DWORD (DOS 3+) pointer to current disk buffer
-4 WORD (DOS 3+) pointer in DOS data segment of unread CON input
when CON is read via a handle, DOS reads an entire line,
and returns the requested portion, buffering the rest
for the next read. 0000h indicates no unread input
-2 WORD segment of first memory control block
00h DWORD pointer to first Drive Parameter Block (see AH=32h)
04h DWORD pointer to first System File Table (see below)
08h DWORD pointer to active CLOCK$ device's header (most recently loaded
driver with CLOCK bit set)
0Ch DWORD pointer to active CON device's header (most recently loaded
driver with STDIN bit set)
---DOS 2.x---
10h BYTE number of logical drives in system
11h WORD maximum bytes/block of any block device
13h DWORD pointer to first disk buffer (see below)
17h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!)
NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device
drivers. (see below)
---DOS 3.0---
10h BYTE number of block devices
11h WORD maximum bytes/block of any block device
13h DWORD pointer to first disk buffer (see below)
17h DWORD pointer to array of current directory structures (see below)
1Bh BYTE value of LASTDRIVE command in CONFIG.SYS (default 5)
1Ch DWORD pointer to STRING= workspace area
20h WORD size of STRING area (the x in STRING=x from CONFIG.SYS)
22h DWORD pointer to FCB table
26h WORD the y in FCBS=x,y from CONFIG.SYS
28h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!)
NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device
drivers. (see below)
---DOS 3.1-3.3---
10h WORD maximum bytes per sector of any block device
12h DWORD pointer to first disk buffer in buffer chain (see below)
16h DWORD pointer to array of current directory structures (see below)
1Ah DWORD pointer to system FCB tables (see below)
1Eh WORD number of protected FCBs (the y in the CONFIG.SYS FCBS=x,y)
20h BYTE number of block devices installed
21h BYTE number of available drive letters (largest of 5, installed
block devices, and CONFIG.SYS LASTDRIVE=). Also size of
current directory structure array.
22h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!)
NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device
drivers. (see below)
34h BYTE number of JOIN'ed drives
---DOS 4.x---
10h WORD maximum bytes per sector of any block device
12h DWORD pointer to disk buffer info record (see below)
16h DWORD pointer to array of current directory structures (see below)
1Ah DWORD pointer to system FCB tables (see below)
1Eh WORD number of protected FCBs (the y in the CONFIG.SYS FCBS=x,y)
(always 00h for DOS 5.0)
20h BYTE number of block devices installed
21h BYTE number of available drive letters (largest of 5, installed
block devices, and CONFIG.SYS LASTDRIVE=). Also size of
current directory structure array.
22h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!)
NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device
drivers. (see below)
34h BYTE number of JOIN'ed drives
35h WORD pointer within IBMDOS code segment to list of special program
names (see below)
(always 0000h for DOS 5.0)
37h DWORD pointer to FAR routine for resident IFS utility functions
(see below)
may be called by any IFS driver which does not wish to
service functions 20h or 24h-28h itself
3Bh DWORD pointer to chain of IFS (installable file system) drivers
3Fh WORD the x in BUFFERS x,y (rounded up to multiple of 30 if in EMS)
41h WORD number of lookahead buffers (the y in BUFFERS x,y)
43h BYTE boot drive (1=A:)
44h BYTE flag: 01h to use DWORD moves (80386+), 00h otherwise
45h WORD extended memory size in KB
---DOS 5.0-6.0---
10h 39 BYTEs as for DOS 4.x (see above)
37h DWORD pointer to SETVER program list or 0000h:0000h
3Bh WORD (DOS=HIGH) offset in DOS CS of function to fix A20 control
when executing special .COM format
3Dh WORD PSP of most-recently EXECed program if DOS in HMA, 0000h if low
3Fh 8 BYTEs as for DOS 4.x (see above)
Format of memory control block (see also below):
Offset Size Description
00h BYTE block type: 5Ah if last block in chain, otherwise 4Dh
01h WORD PSP segment of owner or
0000h if free
0006h if DR-DOS XMS UMB
0007h if DR-DOS excluded upper memory ("hole")
0008h if belongs to DOS
FFFAh if 386MAX UMB control block (see AX=4402h"386MAX")
FFFDh if 386MAX locked-out memory
FFFEh if 386MAX UMB (immediately follows its control block)
FFFFh if 386MAX 6.01 device driver
03h WORD size of memory block in paragraphs
05h 3 BYTEs unused by MS-DOS
(386MAX) if locked-out block, region start/prev region end
---DOS 2.x,3.x---
08h 8 BYTEs unused
---DOS 4+ ---
08h 8 BYTEs ASCII program name if PSP memory block or DR-DOS UMB,
else garbage
null-terminated if less than 8 characters
Notes: the next MCB is at segment (current + size + 1)
under DOS 3.1+, the first memory block is the DOS data segment,
containing installable drivers, buffers, etc. Under DOS 4+ it is
divided into subsegments, each with its own memory control block
(see below), the first of which is at offset 0000h.
for DOS 5+, blocks owned by DOS may have either "SC" or "SD" in bytes
08h and 09h. "SC" is system code or locked-out inter-UMB memory,
"SD" is system data, device drivers, etc.
Some versions of DR-DOS use only seven characters of the program name,
placing a NUL in the eighth byte.
Format of MS-DOS 5+ UMB control block:
Offset Size Description
00h BYTE type: 5Ah if last block in chain, 4Dh otherwise
01h WORD first available paragraph in UMB if control block at start
of UMB, 000Ah if control block at end of UMB
03h WORD length in paragraphs of following UMB or locked-out region
05h 3 BYTEs unused
08h 8 BYTEs block type name: "UMB" if start block, "SM" if end block in UMB
Format of STARLITE (General Software's Embedded DOS) memory control block:
Offset Size Description
00h BYTE block type: 5Ah if last block in chain, otherwise 4Dh
01h WORD PSP segment of owner, 0000h if free, 0008h if belongs to DOS
03h WORD size of memory block in paragraphs
05h BYTE unused
06h WORD segment address of next memory control block (0000h if last)
08h WORD segment address of previous memory control block or 0000h
0Ah 6 BYTEs reserved
Format of DOS 4+ data segment subsegment control blocks:
Offset Size Description
00h BYTE subsegment type (blocks typically appear in this order)
"D" device driver
"E" device driver appendage
"I" IFS (Installable File System) driver
"F" FILES= control block storage area (for FILES>5)
"X" FCBS= control block storage area, if present
"C" BUFFERS EMS workspace area (if BUFFERS /X option used)
"B" BUFFERS= storage area
"L" LASTDRIVE= current directory structure array storage area
"S" STACKS= code and data area, if present (see below)
"T" INSTALL= transient code
01h WORD paragraph of subsegment start (usually the next paragraph)
03h WORD size of subsegment in paragraphs
05h 3 BYTEs unused
08h 8 BYTEs for types "D" and "I", base name of file from which the driver
was loaded (unused for other types)
Format of data at start of STACKS code segment (if present):
Offset Size Description
00h WORD ???
02h WORD number of stacks (the x in STACKS=x,y)
04h WORD size of stack control block array (should be 8*x)
06h WORD size of each stack (the y in STACKS=x,y)
08h DWORD pointer to STACKS data segment
0Ch WORD offset in STACKS data segment of stack control block array
0Eh WORD offset in STACKS data segment of last element of that array
10h WORD offset in STACKS data segment of the entry in that array for
the next stack to be allocated (initially same as value in 0Eh
and works its way down in steps of 8 to the value in 0Ch as
hardware interrupts pre-empt each other)
Note: the STACKS code segment data may, if present, be located as follows:
DOS 3.2: The code segment data is at a paragraph boundary fairly early
in the IBMBIO segment (seen at 0070:0190h)
DOS 3.3: The code segment is at a paragraph boundary in the DOS data
segment, which may be determined by inspecting the segment
pointers of the vectors for those of interrupts 02h, 08h-0Eh,
70h, 72-77h which have not been redirected by device drivers or
DOS 4+ Identified by sub-segment control block type "S" within the DOS
data segment.
Format of array elements in STACKS data segment:
Offset Size Description
00h BYTE status: 00h=free, 01h=in use, 03h=corrupted by overflow of
higher stack.
01h BYTE not used
02h WORD previous SP
04h WORD previous SS
06h WORD ptr to word at top of stack (new value for SP). The word at the
top of the stack is preset to point back to this control block.
SHARE.EXE hooks (DOS 3.1-6.00):
(offsets from first system file table--pointed at by ListOfLists+04h)
Offset Size Description
-3Ch DWORD pointer to FAR routine for ???
Note: not called by MS-DOS 3.3, set to 0000h:0000h by
SHARE 3.3+
-38h DWORD pointer to FAR routine called on opening file
on call, internal DOS location points at filename(see AX=5D06h)
Return: CF clear if successful
CF set on error
AX = DOS error code (24h) (see AH=59h)
Note: SHARE directly accesses DOS-internal data to get name of
file just opened
-34h DWORD pointer to FAR routine called on closing file
ES:DI -> system file table
Note: does something to every Record Lock Record for file
-30h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to close all files for given computer
(called by AX=5D03h)
-2Ch DWORD pointer to FAR routine to close all files for given process
(called by AX=5D04h)
-28h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to close file by name
(called by AX=5D02h)
DS:SI -> DOS parameter list (see AX=5D00h)
DPL's DS:DX -> name of file to close
Return: CF clear if successful
CF set on error
AX = DOS error code (03h) (see AH=59h)
.NG limit reached, continued in next section...
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Written by Dave Pearson